Scholarship Winners

The ABC International School believes in promoting and rewarding success. Consequently there are a number of scholarships that students can apply for. There are up to three awards made for tuition fee remission during Years 12 and 13, and there are also a scholarship available for students who leave the ABC International School to attend university after completing their A Levels. The information below sets out the criteria for the scholarships that we offer.

Three awards will be available to those students who get the best grade totals at IGCSE in a minimum of at least eight subjects:
Award 1 (equivalent to 50% of the tuition fees in Years 12 & 13) will afford the recipient full tuition fee remission during their course of study in Year 13 at the school.
Award 2 (equivalent to 33.33% of the tuition fees in Years 12 & 13) will afford the recipient full tuition fee remission during the final two terms of their Year 13 study at the school.
Award 3 (equivalent to 16.66% of the tuition fees in Years 12 & 13) will afford the recipient full tuition fee remission during the final term of their Year 13 study at the school.

1. To qualify for an award a student must have studied at the ABC International School for the two successive previous years, before entering the Sixth Form.
2. In the event of two or more students achieving the same points totals then the school reserves the right to amalgamate and divide the awards in the manner that it considers to be most fair to the families concerned.
3. Throughout their course of their Sixth Form study, the recipients of awards will be expected to maintain a grade average that is equivalent to two A grades and two B grades in their chosen subjects. In the event of a student‘s performance falling below this standard then the school reserves the right, after due warning, to withhold the award.
4. The recipients of awards will be expected to be good ambassadors for the school and to uphold and promote its good name at all times. This may include being available for future public relations, events or activities. In the unlikely event of a recipient being involved in a serious breach of school rules or any other act which brings the school into disrepute then the school reserves the right to withhold the award.
5. The school retains the right to be the sole arbiter in judgments about the granting of any award and expects all applicants to respect the confidentiality of such information. Any breach in confidentiality may result in an award being withheld.

Awards will be available to those students who get the best grade totals in the A2 pre-university examinations and successfully gain entry to a leading university or college of their choice.
Award 1 which will repay to the student or their family the equivalent of US$5,000.00 upon the submission of receipts for travel and/or purchases related to the recipients tertiary education during their first year of study after leaving the ABCIS.
Award 2 which will repay to the student or their family the equivalent of US$3,000.00 upon the submission of receipts for travel and/or purchases related to the recipients tertiary education during their first year of study after leaving the ABCIS.

Conditions 1-5 as for the above awards.

1. To qualify for an award a student must have studied at the ABC International School for the two successive previous years, before entering the Sixth Form.
2. In the event of two or more students achieving the same points totals then the school reserves the right to amalgamate and divide the awards in the manner that it considers to be most fair to the families concerned.
3. Throughout their course of their Sixth Form study, the recipients of awards will be expected to maintain a grade average that is equivalent to two A grades and two B grades in their chosen subjects. In the event of a student‘s performance falling below this standard then the school reserves the right, after due warning, to withhold the award.
4. The school retains the right to be the sole arbiter in judgments about the granting of any award and expects all applicants to respect the confidentiality of such information. Any breach in confidentiality may result in an award being withheld.
5.The recipient is to be a full-time member of the existing Sixth Form and have gained a confirmed place at a recognized and leading University or College.
6. Recipients will be expected to furnish the school with documentary evidence endorsed by their personal tutor that evidences their continued application and attainment.
7.Recipients of these grants may only claim payment upon the submission of accredited receipts for travel or purchases which are clearly linked to their further education.

Scholarship Awards 2024, The ABC International School Ho Chi Minh City